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  • Writer's pictureNic Campher

Rental Rage Relief

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

“80% of landlord and tenant disputes can be resolved with 20% attention to the small print”

3 Step checklists for tenants and landlords

Mostly all of our cases are caused by lack of communication or understanding between landlords, tenants, agents and the law.

It’s critically important for agents, landlords and tenants to spend some time discussing & agreeing on each other’s rights and responsibilities.

Lease clauses and terms of agreement need to be signed in good faith by both parties and witnessed.

1. A completed application form and comprehensive credit check are essential, as is previewing the property and agent or owner.

2. A current lease agreement, signed, dated, witnessed and understood is important to both parties peace of mind and legal security.

3. Property inspection reports are critical to both landlord and tenant, in going, outgoing and intermediate.

When disputes arise the onus of proof is on both the plaintiff and the defendant.

If you are unsure please contact a property professional.

Nic Campher

Founding Partner

Rental Rage Relief

084 744 0144

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