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  • Writer's pictureNic Campher

Rental Rage Relief

Rental Rage Relief

Reducing Rental Risks since 2008

Disaster Management Act & Rentals in 2021

There is a lot of confusion in the rental industry at the moment regarding the lockdown and the regulations and laws applicable to tenants and landlords.

Tenants have lost their jobs or had their salaries reduced and landlords have lost rental income. Part of the Act forbids evictions under certain levels of the lockdown. Catch-22 situation for both landlords and tenants. One cannot pay rent and the other cannot evict.

The government promised to provide a relief package for the Country, big business and small business, as well as its citizens during enforced business closures due to the coronavirus. This does not seem to have worked as envisioned. The property laws of South Africa still stand although temporarily suspended for a time.

When signing a legally binding lease agreement, both parties are entering a contract that is protected and upheld by the courts of law.

If you are experiencing problems in this regard please contact a property professional for advice and assistance.

Nic Campher

Founding Partner

Rental rage Relief

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