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  • Writer's pictureNic Campher

Rental Rage Relief

Who’s responsible for repairs in a leased property?

5 Tips for landlords and tenants;

Start with inspecting the property you want to rent with the agent/landlord. Document any concerns as you view the property with the owner or mandated agent.

Agree on price and terms of the lease agreement. Document and agree on any maintenance or repair issues and include them in the lease agreement.

Conduct a proper inspection with the lessor or agent, take pics, of all rooms and outside structure, and document all problems.

Report any maintenance or repair issues immediately, in writing as per the lease agreement.

An exit inspection is required for the tenant and landlord in order to prove that the premise has been returned, in the same condition, it was let in.

If you're unsure please contact a property professional.

Nic Campher

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