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  • Writer's pictureNic Campher

Rental Rage Relief

Rental Rage Relief

Rental Risk Reduction

5 quick steps to ensure a secure tenure;

1. Check the credentials and background of the party you want to enter into a financial agreement with. Just as a landlord or agent will inspect your credit and rental history. Google and social media are a good starting point for background checks.

2. Once happy with rental/accommodation and location do a pre-inspection of the property and note any concerns. Also table any maintenance or security concerns. At this stage you could negotiate on terms, conditions and rental charges.

3. Check and re-check the lease agreement and question any clause that raises concerns. Also check for hidden fees and the relevance of the contract in relation to the latest laws that govern the industry.

4. Once the lease is agreed on and signed by both parties, an inspection of the property is crucial

Both parties, agent/landlord/tenant must, by law document the condition of the property and services provided.

5. During the lease period any problems or faults should always be documented, signed and dated. Then sent to the responsible party by mail or letter.

This is important for both the landlord and tenant to ensure a written record is kept on any and all correspondence during the tenure of the lease. When parties approach the courts for relief the judge will only consider documented statements. Here-say or “he said, she said” is not contemplated in court without proof.

Nic Campher


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